DATA CD-ROMSWe are offering annular CD-Roms with worldwide meteorological data. The set contains synopts and upperair data from all synoptic main hours (00-06-12-18 UTC) from land and sea stations. Each month has 40 to 60 Mb data. All data is zipped and should extracted before use. Each CD-rom is offered for only 25,00 € and only for users within the European Union (Eurozone). Available are all years since 2000. Mail us for ordering and payment instructions. PLANETARY MAPSSome programs, as Celestia, are using planetary maps. A kind of map which can be draped around a globe to get a full realistic view from space. The textures offered on this site can be used for this purpose. They are based on images from 5 geostationairy weather satellites They are usually available between 18-22 UTC and are valid for 12 UTC, that day. There is no warranty of a full daily service. Meteo Maarssen is a Dutch amateur weather station and doesn't have a 7/24 service. Data feed and data availability is therefore not guaranteed. Data is usual published each day around 18:00 UTC and is only published if the station is manned, so there may be sometimes a delay. There is no service during holidays or vacations. Filenaming convention earth-nn[yymmdd].jpg example: earth-ir060812.jpg Where nn[yymmdd] is; nn = ir (infrared) or cl (cloudmap) The infrared map is shown in false colours, from white (around -10°C) down to dark red (around -60°) and pink (-80°). The cloud map is only in gray and gives a representative view of the full earth. This version gives the most natural look of the earth. CELESTIA Put the "earth-altmaps.ssc" in the "extra"-folder or edit "solarsys.ssc" and add this lines after Earth. Disable the earth-cloud option; SATELITE IMAGESMeteosat satellite images are available from Meteosat 2 to present. We are able to remap the full disk images into the most usual projections and we can use any common used Color LookUp Table available from any institute. Only e-mail orders are accepted with the region of interest, central co-ordinate and requested span in geographical degrees.