RADARAVAILABILITY OF RADARDATASeveral sites are offering radar products. We made this radar suitable for use in GeoSatSignal, a program to view satellite images. You're able to merge the radar with the satellite image with this program. You will find some instructions about access and use of this data on this page.
All the data is offered as it and there is no help or support using this data (either from Meteo Maarssen or David Taylor), but you may contact Meteo Maarssen if any problem come up with access to our site. Meteo Maarssen is a Dutch amateur weather station and doesn't have a 7/24 service. Data feed and data availability is therefore not guaranteed. Data is usual published each day around 18:00 UTC and is only published if the station is manned, so there may be sometimes a delay. Longer interruptions, as with vacations, will be announced in the satsignal forum. Missing data can be ordered in that case on request. FILENAMING CONVENTIONFiles are stored in the next filenaming convention: r-cc[yymmdd].zip example: cc = country/region (this sample ce = central europe (germany)). CONTENT OF THE DATAFILESThe content of the zip-files have a similar format as the zip files, but with the UTC time included: r-cc[yymmdd_hhmm].gif example: r-ce040926_0145.gif hh = hour (military = 00-24 hrs on UTC) The unzipped files offers .gif radar images without any grid. You will see only red colored spots, representing precipitation in any form. See the section <manual view> when you need boundaries as overlay. ARCHIVESAvailable archives per 1 december 2009:
Archived data can be ordered by e-mail on request. Contact us for details and archived radar data. AUTOMATED VIEWAll you have to do is downloading these files into the folders where the satellite data lives, unzip them and set in GSS the requested rain data overlay and view as usual. MANUAL VIEWRadar maps are published without any grid or overlay. Use the overlays in: for any overlay needed. Refer your photo/image-editor help file how to superimpose the overlays. Gridmaps are available for: (see table) |